Monday, July 18, 2005 JazzCares 2005 : Fund Raising For Children Benefits, 21 July 2005 @ TRL Bar, Braga 115 Bandung
Teman-teman kamis ini ada acara jazz kamis ini di TRL Bar, Bandung... thanks for your support. *********************************************************************** Kakak Asuh FISIP UNPAR, DeathRockStar & Traffic Light Bar Presents JazzCares 2005 Fund Raising For Children Benefits 21 July 2005 TRL Bar, Braga 115 19.00 – over with performances by: 4 Peniti Swimsuit 70s Orgasm Club plus a Secret Special Performer with DJ performances by DJ Ryan with Swing Rockabilly DJ Eric with Eclectic Folks Tickets: Rp. 20.000 (incl. Soft drink and a limited edition of JazzCares Pin) Pre-sale @ Jembatan FISIP UNPAR (Ged. FISIP UNPAR, Ciumbeluit 94) Contact Medi 0813 2030 6766 Ryan 0818 819 888 Supported by: 11:12 Merchandising Disconnect Distro PinHolic ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Jazz Cares 2005: Fund Raising for Children Benefits Jazz merupakan salah satu aliran musik di Indonesia yang cukup mendapat respon dari berbagai kalangan, khususnya mahasiswa. Perkembangan aliran musik ini oleh beberapa musisi jazz tidak hanya berfokus pada pengenalan musik jazz, tetapi juga ikut memperhatikan permasalahan-permasalahan sosial yang sedang terjadi di masyarakat dewasa ini. Walaupun cakupan kerja Kakak Asuh masih bersifat lokal, hal tersebut sesuai dengan salah satu visi dan misi Kakak Asuh yaitu membantu anak-anak SD yang putus sekolah. Dalam rangka membantu anak-anak yang berada dalam jangkauan “KAKAK ASUH”, kami sebagai mahasiswa FISIP UNPAR hendak mengadakan suatu bentuk acara musik yaitu Jazz Cares 2005: Fund Raising for Children Benefits. Adapun tujuan dari acara ini untuk menggalang dana dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan bakat mahasiswa. Acara musik ini sudah diadakan sejak tahun 2003 dan acara ini merupakan acara rutin dari program kerja Kakak Asuh FISIP Unpar. ************************************************************************* KAKAK ASUH UNPAR Kakak Asuh adalah program pengabdian sosial yang dilaksanakan oleh Mahasiswa FISIP UNPAR dalam bentuk paket bantuan bagi anak-anak tingkat pendidikan dasar SD di wilayah Ciumbuleuit. Dalam hal ini mahasiswa dengan segala keterbatasan dimensionalnya Bertindak sebagai pendamping bagi adik-adik mereka yang direalisasikan dalam bentuk: - bimbingan belajar - pemenuhan kebutuhan sekolah - apresiasi bakat seni dan olah raga Yang berhak menerima bantuan? Adalah siswa siswi kelas I-VI SD Ciumbuleuit I, II, III, dan IV serta SD Bandung Baru I dan II, yang belatar belakang dari keluarga tidak mampu dalam segi finansial, tetapi memiliki potensi untuk berprestasi lebih baik. Jasa bantuan Jasa bantuan pemenuhan kebutuhan sekolah ini ditujukan kepada 100 orang siswa-siswa dari 6 sekolah dasar di atas yang terletak di wilayah Ciumbuleuit. Melalui hasil survey yang dilakukan oleh Tim Survey Kakak Asuh dihasilkan suatu informasi biaya yang dijadikan sebagai patokan dasar bagi paket bantuan Kakak Asuh. Bagaimana anda dapat berpartisipasi? Terdapat berbagai jenis partisipasi yang dapat anda pilih yaitu: * Anda bertindak seorang diri maupun bersama beberapa rekan Anda sebagai “Kakak Asuh” menyumbangkan 1 paket bantuan beasiswa sebesar Rp. 200.000,00. Dana bantuan anda telah membantu keseluruhan biaya sekolah 1 adik asuh kelas I-VI SD, atau 50% biaya sekolah 1 adik asuh kelas VI SD. * Anda juga dapat berpartisipasi dengan memberikan berapapun atau apapun (alat tulis, baju bekas, dll) dalam batas kemampuan anda. * Selain itu Anda dapat melakukan hubungan kerjasama Dengan “Kakak Asuh” dalam berbagai kegiatan kami Mengapa menjadi donatur? Dengan anda menjadi donatur, berarti Kakak Asuh akan dapat merealisasikan kegiatannya dengan menyalurkan bantuan anda ke adik-adik asuh sekaligus memperhitungkan berapa banyak anak yang dapat dibantu dalam satu tahun. bantuan anda akan memberikan harapan terwujudnya cita-cita mereka. Pelayanan untuk donatur Jika anda menjadi donatur Kakak Asuh, maka secara otomatis Anda akan menjadi bagian Kakak Asuh. Oleh karena itu anda memiliki hak-hak tertentu seperti juga bagian-bagian lain di Kakak Asuh Setiap akhir masa periode anda akan kami kirimkan laporan keuangan Kakak Asuh agar anda dapat mengetahui pemanfaatan sumbangan yang Anda salurkan. Anda juga akan diundang dan bisa ikut serta dalam kegiatan-kegiatan Kakak Asuh: seperti acara Fun Games dan seremonial. Segala jenis partisipasi ini dapat anda salurkan dengan menghubungi: * CP : Pratiwi 0815 6090 636 Elsie 0816 660 7590 * Email : * Ruang Kakak Asuh R. 3100 Gedung FISIP (Gedung 3) lt. dasar Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Jl. Ciumbuleuit No. 94 Bandung ************************************************************************
*** Friday, July 08, 2005 My first podcast test ver 0.1.0 hehe
Ryan ngoceh'ngoceh at 7/08/2005 03:08:00 AM 0 ikut'ngoceh *** Thursday, July 07, 2005 Ah.. abis ngeDJ tadi di TRL.. Played over than 2 hours today.. Akhirnya gue mulai bisa menikmati untuk dinikmati orang. That' kinda respect you got as a DJ. Some people explicitly expressed it while others don't do that very well hehe. But you could feel it. The way they smile at you when you play those songs, The way they unconsciously move their hand, feet or body, The way they smoke The way their eyes are moving with me (hehe, i always dance to myself whenever I play the songs) The way that they gave me some cheers at the end of every songs (DJs don't usually gets this kinda stuff out from the crowd you know, I'm really excited about this), The way they drink and puke, buy some more cocktail and then puke again.. At first, people only noticed me because I got some unique song references, and that I'm (most likely to be) the only one in town who played classic jazz, bossanova, swing, bop, experimental jaz and nowadays, boogie. However i'm classified to be non commercial and not hip, i might say now, underrated heheh. They don't really think that i could keep the crowd in the mood, or in other words, they just don't think they could get the crowd to buy more drinks with the kind of music i played. Well i guess some people needs to do some reevaluation hehehe, looking at the fact that tonight really went well for me and the crowd and the friendly guys at the bar. I am so glad to realize that people enjoyed my performance. Cheers and beers you guys! Ryan ngoceh'ngoceh at 7/07/2005 06:25:00 AM 0 ikut'ngoceh *** Wednesday, July 06, 2005 This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing. Ryan ngoceh'ngoceh at 7/06/2005 12:29:00 AM 0 ikut'ngoceh *** Monday, July 04, 2005 Fuck! Two days in a row? What's going on with me? Ye-heah! Yesterday i got the full tanks on friendster's my horoscope. (Refer to the previous post). I didn't really go anywhere actually.. I don't have a car to hop on. I ended travelling in the hyperspace of the net, haha, not the real world. It's world it just a 3x4 m2 for me yesterday. And then i logged in to my friendster just now, my eyes flipped to the right end of the screen and guess what? The tanks are still full??!! (Um, yeah i don't have a car to get around to unfill my tanks hahaha). I got this superb condition of horoscope for two days in a row. It seems that the horoscope guy really do know that i am not going anywhere yesterday. Anggun says that i should be going to beach or something, but its like a couple hours of drive, and i dont have a car, uh! And it seems that today i would be somekind of a hotshot flirty guy.. Uh-huhm.. yeah. I am on fire baby! this is yesterday... and this one is today Today's Forecast Still tapping on the table and wishing you were somewhere else? Well, fine. You may not be able to leave this second, but that doesn't mean you can't make plans, or discuss travel plans with a prospective companion. The Bottom Line Where'd you get that flirty, twinkly smile? The flirty powers were sure nice to you! In Detail You're in a mood -- a restless mood. No matter where you are, there's someplace you'll prefer to be. And while you might ordinarily be able to distract yourself until you can find a practical way to get where you want to go, you won't be willing to waste a moment now. So don't. Cut to the chase. Announce to one and all that you've got someplace to be, and get yourself there. It's time for the next leg in your journey. Ryan ngoceh'ngoceh at 7/04/2005 01:49:00 PM 0 ikut'ngoceh *** Sunday, July 03, 2005
Whoaa... Wonder what's comin' today... Well, let's see in the morning... ANY GUESS ANYONE??? Today's Forecast You've had a hankering to go somewhere for a while, and it's time to give in. The universe has turned all the lights green, so you'll make good time. Hop in the car and boldly go where you want to be. The Bottom Line This is a great day for no follow through. Have a great day -- and let things slide. In Detail You know that thing you were supposed to do today? You might want to cancel. You're in the mood to hop in the car and take off for destinations unknown, to boldly go where you've never gone before -- and you absolutely won't be stopped. Good for you. Your sign is a great big fan of spontaneity, freedom and movement, and right about now, you need all of that in great big doses. Don't you dare deprive yourself. Ryan ngoceh'ngoceh at 7/03/2005 12:39:00 AM 0 ikut'ngoceh *** |
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