Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The truth is... (where have you been?)

The truth is, gue gak pernah percaya sama kata-kata hiatus. Karena itu cuma keadaan dimana komunitas blogger yang sudah terestablished or so they say, mendefinisikannya.

The truth is, i have been blogging, if that's what you wanna call it, since four years ago. Long before, i, personally, know the name of blog or weblog or etc.

The truth is, some people feel the same way as i do about these stuff. I'm sick and tired untuk mendengarkan segala macam 'aturan' tentang blog yang terbentuk secara komunal dalam skala kecil yang menjadikannya konvesional dalam skala lokal atau nasional. Who the hell are these people? Blogging is free man (including most of services too). Anyone can do (or specifically, write) anything.

The truth is, out there.. Udah ah, garing.. Ladida Ladida LA LA.. (Ada yg inget phrasenya Diane Keaton and Woody Allen?)

The truth is, i hav been busy in the past, hm.. 6 months or so.. Even though i got a couple of breaks.. Tapi kalo diliat'liat lagi ke belakang, gue saking sibuknya dengan urusan kuliah dan kegiatan non'akademis, i don't even have time for myself, or with ehm, blogging, or even with my love'life..

The truth is, gue sebenernya pengen nulis tentang banyak hal in the past few months. My Asiatrip, chicks and my-ex (this is always a cool as well as dumbass topic, but i like it), kegiatan gue dikampus dari InterArs, Arena sampai Makelars.

The truth is, i do believe in blogging, in everything thing thats good enough to worth it. So here i am, actually nowhere in place, trying the best to be a good blogger..

Ryan ngoceh'ngoceh at 12/22/2004 05:22:00 PM 0 ikut'ngoceh

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'Architecture&Interior Designs'


this sunday

Ryan, Arsitek, Koil, dan Surga..

2 tahun sendirian.. (baca: menjomblo)

Bunny In The Kost

Rock Circus

Ryan's Pig Bash!!!

Rp 1,-

Preparing for Ryan's Pig Bash!!

Linkin Park Live in Texas Jakarta

I'm 19 today, by the way..


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