Thursday, February 24, 2005

your future wedding...??

o How old to get married?
as soon as 'possible' juga sih...
i dunno really, i hope that i can find a decent
income, a decent home, a decent car, and a
decent savings before i do
i dont wanna be a mess up when i'm getting

tapi kalo tiba2 gue jadi penyanyi dari band
yang lagunya saking seringnya diputar dan
bikin gue muak dan berkata, "i'm fine peter!
shut the f*ck up and stop your godd*mn
question!!", dan memang gue segitu
begonya to f*ck a f*cking douche bag out of
nowhere and the b*tch start saying that she's
having my kid and i should marry her
because she didn't want her son to be a
bastard like his dad.. yah gue bisa apa? i'll
be so f*cking dumb, dude, can't really
complained on that....
(hehehe my warm, special regards on
ariel 'peterpan'..)

o A place for your wedding party?
refer to my last bulletin board post;
Describe your dream wedding:
glad you asked..
gue pengen married dengan pesta rock n roll
bikin sendiri special buat wedding party gue
instead of fancy ballrooms
i'll use the money to rent some topnotch
dan ngajak band2 favorit gue dan band2
temen gue untuk main
pesta pora, bir bintang (kalo punya duit lagi
bir impor deh...)
chicken & bbq, gak perlu pake sepatu,
moshing aja
semua temen2 gue dan beberapa groupies
gak masalah lah...hehe
indoor or outdoor gak masalah..
yang penting have fun..
i'll drink beer till my belly pops
f*ck ballrooms and stupid crappy dance
i've seen enough of those gara ngepar di
sweet17an mulu..

o The wedding car?
sesuatu yang kalo lewat lampu merah kagak
dibaret sama nenek2 tua atau kapak merah
gak asik aja kalo lagi kawinan trus dirampok
kijang setia gue juga cukup kok
putih, mengkilat.. bbmnya murah karena
solar, kurang apa coba?

o The wedding soundtrack?
can't lie about the fact that i do love romantic
jazzy songs
tapi kalo konsepnya yang seperti gue tulis..
mungkin gue suruh band temen gue bawa
lagu wedding march ala hollywood metal
kayak rhapsody
sounds fun like sh*t

o Honeymoon town?
i do love NYC and Paris..
i hope i could afford the money hehe
but.. anywhere in a cozy place will do for me
(inget, saya adalah cowo, and i don't really
give a f*ck about the place, asal dompet
saya mencukupi..)

o How many children?
probably not more than three.. less(kid) is
more(savings) in this case

o Wife - work/home?
i do prefer a career type
gak perlu keren2 amat yang penting produktif

o Husband - occupation?
anything that'll get me f*cking rich

o Children's names
belum tau..
gue suka konyol sendiri hehehe
tapi kalo cewe gue kasih nama nancy dari
lagu nancynya frank sinatra
kalo cowo.. mungkin jimi ato miles

o What pet? Name?
i do love dogs
i would have them if someone could help me
not to be careless hehehe
siberian husky probably, kalo mereka gak
kepanasan di daerah tropis..

o how many cars?
satu buat gue
satu buat bini gue
satu2 buat tiap2 anak gue
satu2 buat tiap2 anjing peliharaan gue

o what's for your family breakfast? lunch?
and dinner?
gak pernah mikirin dalam skala 'keluarga'..

o how many sex @week?
do i have to really answer this regarding that
the ones who reads this would probably
think up of a number in their minds..?

o the children call you...
ryan is fine for me
tapi mungkin papa lebih enak didenger

o a goodnight song for your children?
some jazz standards songs
atau lagu2 black metal yang serem2 biar
anak2 gue kebal kalo ditakut2in..

o your hairstyle will be like?
i'll probably be bald by then kalo ngeliat
kondisi rambut gue yang sekarang..

o any love nickname for your
"cewweeee..." (dalam nada genit..)
atau.. "maniiss.." (dalam nada genit)
yang pasti bukan "hoi, barudak betina!"

o still using the friendster?
kalau friendster masih "gaul" saat nanti...

Ryan ngoceh'ngoceh at 2/24/2005 03:43:00 PM 0 ikut'ngoceh

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