Wednesday, May 12, 2004


Hmmph.. ternyata kuliah itu gak senyantai yang gue bayangin. Apalagi kalo harus kuliah di jurusan arsitek. Bro, coba tanya aja sama anak'anak yang pada kuliah di arsitek.. pasti jawabannya yah gitu-gitu aja, sehari-hari kerjaannya yang begadang, bikin tugas lah, ngegambarlah, bikin presentasi lah, bikin maket lah.. huah.. Kuliah di arsitek itu udah kayak orang kejepit waktu deh kerjaannya, apalagi kalo pas offset deadlinenya hampir selalu mepet.. pokoknya lu bermain dengan stamina dan waktu disini, suwer..

Dua minggu kemaren ini rasanya udah kayak hidup di the'real'world'nya'the'matrix.. bedanya kalo disono dikejer-kejer sama robot bayi'gurita, ini sama pengumpulan tugas.. Bayangin ajah gue gak tidur sampe 3 hari non'stop!! itu gak termasuk hari'hari lainnya yang tidur max. cuman 3 jam sehari.. gak heran deh kalo lu mampir ke kos gue masih ada musik yang gede banget kedengeran dari kamar gue.. kalo gue lagi panik yah musik cadas.. kalo gue lagi stress yah musik jazz..

Pokoknya bagi yang tertarik pingin kuliah jurusan arsitek yah.. better think twice kalo fisik lemah ato gampang sakit.. banyak banget temen gue yang keburu 'tewas' duluan pas ngerjain tugas. Apalagi kalo pas SPA (Studio Perancangan Arsitektur), anak2 satu kampus pada kena demam SPA semua, mata item (ini gara'gara gak tidur), flu, pusing2 (gara'gara mikirin tugas gak kelar'kelar), punggung sakit banget (gara'gara harus berkutat di meja gambar melulu), tangan bergeter (gara'gara kebanyakan kopi).. Yang kena yang dari junior sampe senior yang engga lulus'lulus.. Dan epidemi ini datengnya kalo lagi pas menjelang uas (final exams) soalnya semua tugas musti dikumpulin sebelum itu. Pokoknya fisik harus kuat, stamina kuda liar deh.. Walhasil gue selalu doping dengan vitamin (sampe lebih dari bates dosis) dan kopi (yang ini agak engga baik soalnya bisa bikin darah ngalirnya kenceng banget, jadinya tangan itu begeter mulu, bikin susah ngegambar ato bikin maket)..

Lucunya justru kalo lagi ujian malah nyantai banget.. yah kayak sekarang ini.. semua tugas umumnya udah dikumpul.. dan ujian arsitek, i tell u sumthin', itu entengnya gak kira'kira kalo dibandingin temen'temen gue yang di engineering ato bisnis ato social studies.. Yah jadinya tiap malem kerjaan gue cuman begadang nemenin (ato tepatnya ngegerecokin) temen-temen gue yang lagi belajar hehehe..

Ryan ngoceh'ngoceh at 5/12/2004 01:21:00 AM 7 ikut'ngoceh

7 ikut'ngoceh:

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Anonymous Anonymous ngoceh'ngoceh, at 12:23 PM  

Nice blog Blogger. Your posts were interesting reading. I was looking for wine cellar equipment related information and found your site. I have a wine cellar equipment site. You'll find everything about wine, gift baskets, Napa Valley wine tours, and how to keep your wine properly chilled until it's ready to drink. Please try and visit it, see what you think.

Anonymous Anonymous ngoceh'ngoceh, at 9:55 AM  

Fantastic blog you've got here Blogger, I was looking for residential wine cellars related information and found your site. I have a residential wine cellars site. You'll find everything about wine, gift baskets, Napa Valley wine tours, and how to keep your wine properly chilled until it's ready to drink. Stop by and check it out when you can.

Anonymous Anonymous ngoceh'ngoceh, at 10:15 AM  

Fantastic blog you've got here Blogger, I was looking for red wine related information and found your site. I have a red wine site. You'll find everything about wine, gift baskets, Napa Valley wine tours, and how to keep your wine properly chilled until it's ready to drink. Stop by and check it out when you can.

Anonymous Anonymous ngoceh'ngoceh, at 12:25 AM  

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Anonymous Anonymous ngoceh'ngoceh, at 9:40 AM  

Nice blog Blogger. Your posts were interesting reading. I was looking for wine related information and found your site. I have a wine site. You'll find everything about wine, gift baskets, Napa Valley wine tours, and how to keep your wine properly chilled until it's ready to drink. Please try and visit it, see what you think.

Anonymous Anonymous ngoceh'ngoceh, at 7:58 PM  

Hi there Blogger, I was just browsing, looking for wine cellar equipment related information and found your blog. Very Nice! I have a wine cellar equipment site. You'll find everything about wine, gift baskets, Napa Valley wine tours, and how to keep your wine properly chilled until it's ready to drink. Please visit, check it out and enjoy!

Anonymous Anonymous ngoceh'ngoceh, at 4:36 AM  

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