Thursday, February 24, 2005
10 LAYERED QUESTION! 's FUN!LAYER ONE: ON THE OUTSIDE... Name: Yustinus Ryan Koesuma.. Birth date: 12 Juni 1985 Eye Color: BLACK Hair Color: BLACK Righty or Lefty: Righty.. tapi kadang2 yang dibawah juga suka nunjuk.. LAYER TWO: ON THE INSIDE... Your heritage: INDONESIA.. tapi heritage mah ada di jl. riau atuh... deket yonas sama the summit tuh.. Shoes you wore today: i dont usually wear shoes.. today is too Your weakness: hot chicks that makes me wanna say 'holy virgin mother of sweet jesus, bless me..' LAYER THREE: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW... Your most overused phrase on YM/ MSN: hahaha heheh wel Your thoughts first waking up: just giv me anotha 5 minutes god*mmit!! Your bedtime: siang hari.. Your most missed memories: falling in love.. (btw gue baru ikutan test di dan gue ternyata cuma 56% emo, hahaha!) LAYER FOUR: YOUR PICK... Pepsi or Coke: coke lah.. coke yang satu lagi.. wel.. Donald's or Burger King: mcd karena burger king udah bangkrut di kota2 gede di indo, gak tau di daerah masih ada ato engga.. Single or group dates: single.. karena gue orangnya romantis dan pemalu.. Adidas or Nike: VANS and Newrock boots!!!! who gives a d*mn about those stupid jumping basket popping sh*t lets rock on! (karena gue gak bisa olah raga.. cuman bisa gebukin orang dan lari hehehe..) Lipton Tea or Nestea: MaxTea Chocolate or vanilla: it depends.. but i like jamaican chocolate and straciatella Cappuccino or coffee: depends on my mood LAYER FIVE: DO YOU... Smoke: enggak ko.. Take showers: eventually hehe... Have a crush(es): and hopes... Think you've been in love: f*ck yes Want to get married: sumday... Get motion sicknes: not if you think about it.. Get along with your parents: YUP LAYER SIX: IN THE PAST MONTH... Drank alcohol: drink and drunk.. gak cuman drank.. Gone to the mall: tolong yah mas, saya tidak semenyedihkan itu... saya gaul gitu luoh.. been on stage: hell yeah! Eaten an entire box of Oreo: lupa.. Eaten sushi: i love sushi rolls Dyed your hair: pernah dulu pas masih jadul hehehe LAYER SEVEN: HAVE YOU EVER Played a game that required removal of clothing: hm... Got beaten up: not that much actually.. Changed who you were to fit in: nope LAYER EIGHT: GETTING OLDER.... Age you hoping to get married: i think so Children: i love children Describe your dream wedding: glad you asked.. gue pengen married dengan pesta rock n roll bikin sendiri special buat wedding party gue instead of fancy ballrooms i'll use the money to rent some topnotch soundsystems dan ngajak band2 favorit gue dan band2 temen gue untuk main pesta pora, bir bintang (kalo punya duit lagi bir impor deh...) chicken & bbq, gak perlu pake sepatu, moshing aja semua temen2 gue dan beberapa groupies gak masalah lah...hehe indoor or outdoor gak masalah.. yang penting have fun.. i'll drink beer till my belly pops f*ck ballrooms and stupid crappy dance songs! i've seen enough of those gara ngepar di sweet17an mulu.. Dream proposal: never thought of it.. 'ngent*t yuk!' would be enough kalu mau 'kawin' How do you want to die: rich and famous! dan sebahagia hugh hefner... LAYER NINE: IN A PARTNER Eye color: flexibel Hair color: flexibel Height: flexibel Personality: smart, fun, good sense of humour dan setia.. Handsome/Beautiful: beautiful preferably in and out LAYER TEN: IN THE NUMBERS.... Number of piercings: lupa Number of tattoos: lupa juga (atau berusaha keras untuk melupakan, tapi pengen lagi) Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: gak pernah, gue cupu sih.. Number of scars on my body: gimana sih cara ngitung lecet? Number of things in my past that I regret: i don't count those things i don't really care about it anyway Ryan ngoceh'ngoceh at 2/24/2005 03:44:00 PM 1 ikut'ngoceh 1 ikut'ngoceh: wow... ini kok begini.. ini kok begitu ?? ngoceh'ngoceh, at 11:48 PM *** |
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